Great Aunt Milonia

“Ah, so my great aunt Milonia, the dowager countess of Dotel has finally kicked the bucket. She must have been close to eighty towards the end. But I thought Dotel was in the kingdom of Kushum, how did they learn of her passing so quickly?”

“Don’t you remember Amondo you received a letter from her just after I entered your service seven years ago. Milonia as you may or may not recall never got on with her daughter in law Frances. When her son Niall died and her grandson Walter became Count they were always butting head so she moved back to Presbur to see out her remaining years in peace.”, Mavin Abela informed him.

“Right I Remember it now didn’t she also send me something with the letter?”

“That she did, what was it, oh yes a weird miniature figurine cast in bronze, you left it behind in Kver at the end of our first visit there.”

“Yes what an ugly thing it was, do you have that sealed letter with you, if so hand it over and I’ll read it.”

“Here it is,” Marvin said before taking out a large sealed envelope and handing it to him.

Amondo broke the seal, spent a good few minutes reading over the contents of the envelope and then handed it back to Marvin.

“She died in her sleep and the funeral is in three days, I obviously can’t go myself, not with things the way they are. I’ll have to ask Lilou to accompany my ward to it in my stead.”

“Sir to get to Presbur they will have to pass through the territory of Eugene via either the lordship of Antwa or Elmsey will they be safe doing so.”, asked Elias.

“He may delay them somewhat but I don’t imagine him doing anything more than that, just in case I’m wrong we should send a small escort with them, best not to use baronial soldiers so if you don’t mind Elias would you be willing to accompany them with Maxlov and four of his men plus whatever force Lilou brought to guard her backing you up.”

“I don’t have anything else to do so why not no point in leaving until tomorrow, will five men be enough of a guard though?

“ I would prefer to send more but best not to antagonise Eugene any more than necessary. Constable where would I find my sister this time of the day?”

“I believe the ladies went out for a ride along the bank of the stream just after you left for the dungeon but they should be back by now so they should be in the solar, I’ll have a page inform your sister you wish to speak with her, best to meet with her somewhere other than here, the Cabinet on the second floor would be best or you could use the map room.”

“Yes the map room will do and when I’m through with her I’ll have to talk to my ward, there should be time to show her the dungeon afterwards.”

“I’ll get on it right away sir.”

And so the constable went to fetch a page, leaving Amondo some time to talk to his retainers in private.

“How are you settling in men, can you all find your way around the castle yet?”

“Everything is fine sir”, replied Marvin and Bagrat at the same time.

“Everyone seems to know what they are doing, so far at least.”, was Marke reply.

“It’s not that big as castles go sir but it’s still slow going for me at least.”, added Elias

Author’s Comment:

Sorry for the short length of this chapter, i haven’ been feeling well, hope to resume usual chapter length soon

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