Great Aunt Milonia, part two

“You’ll get the hang of it soon enough, now what do you think about the constable.”

“Seems like a solid dependable chap, seems to know what he’s about.”, replied Elias.

“If the Steward and the Seneschal are even half as competent as he is we might stand a chance.”, stated Mavin.

“It’s too early to tell for sure but he seems like the sort of man I can work with.”, said Marke.

“From what I can tell he treats his subordinates well, he’s neither too soft on then or too hard and they seem to respect him.”, was Bagrat’s ten cents.

“That’s all good to hear, have any of you discovered anything out of place you think you should bring to my attention?”

“I can’t be sure but I have a feeling that your brothers Treasurer is up to something he just doesn’t sit right to me, I don’t know what exactly he might be up to but considering his position I bet it involves money. All I know for sure is that he seems to be rather too friendly with the butler and some of the guards than he has any right to be.”,

“Alright, Marke I trust your judgement have any of the rest of you noticed Milel Athy or anyone else for that matter doing anything suspicious?”

“Now that you mention it I witnessed the butler arguing with one of the guards, they were too far away from me to be able to hear every word they said but I did catch a few here and there, such as fire, sooner and stable.”, added Bagrat.

“That all seems to add up to something that mightn’t bode well for us but it’s not enough to act upon is it. Not unless we want to gain a reputation for not trusting the staff and Gods knows what else. Here’s what I want done, Elias before you leave for the funeral tomorrow assign some of the mercenaries to try and make friends with the suspicious guards and see what they can learn. Marke have Blance get friendly with the under butler and see if he knows anything, Bagrat would you have a chat with your opposite number and enquire about his opinion of the rest of my late brother’s staff.

If in the next few days none of that leads to additional information about what might be going on we can reconsider our position but until then everyone tread carefully. One last thing I want you all to continue to be on the lookout for anything else suspicious or out of place and until my sister in law pops I’ll try and meet with you at least once a day to review any new developments. Mavin stay behind for a minute, as for everyone else your dismissed and happy hunting.”

With that everyone else left the room and went back to whatever they were doing beforehand or in Elias case began preparing for the trip to the funeral, leaving Amondo and Mavin behind to talk in private.

“Mavin I have a task for you, I need you to pay a visit to my late brother’s office and anywhere else you can think off to see what you can find, paying particular attention to any correspondence he may have had with those from outside the Western Marche. I don’t expect you to find anything in particular but I have a gut feeling that he was up to something he shouldn’t have been. Don’t tell anyone but me about what you end up finding.”

“You can count on me sir, it may take some time but if there’s anything to find I’ll find it for you.”

“I’m sure you will if anyone ask just tell them that I have you looking to see if he ever wrote anything to me that he never sent and if you actually find anything like that let me know.”

Once Mavin left Amondo spent a few moments contemplating his toxic relationship with his half-brother before heading to the map room to await his twin sister and a conversation he wasn’t particularly looking forward to.

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