The Courier from the Lawyer

“Before I forget a mounted courier with a missive from your lawyer arrived while you were visiting the dungeon with Rachana.”

“ I wasn’t expecting to hear back from Alde Blund for another few days so I hope it’s not bad news or anything. Hand it over and while I give it a read grab an inkwell and some paper as it no doubt requires an immediate reply. Did the courier stay for one or do we have to send it with someone else?“

“He’s off having a bite to eat like you should be and giving his mount a bit of a rest before heading out again.”

The sealed envelope Mavin handed to Amondo contained two pieces of paper neatly folded in two the first of which had writing on both sides. He gave it a quick read over before having a more in-depth pass at it and then spent a few minutes contemplating its contents. When it had been written Alde hadn’t yet received the message he had sent him upon hearing of his brother’s death.

It was however written in response to the news of Leonid’s passing, it having reached him via a third party. Still, it managed to cover much of the information he had requested in that letter, not all of it but since extra information was also included that he hadn’t considered and possibly never would have that was fine. Overall the information contained in the letter was better than expected with only a single exception and even then it wasn’t as bad as he had feared.

With that out of the way, Amondo indicated to Mavin that he was ready to dictate his reply.

“I am sure you have gotten the usual pleasantries down already so that we can begin in earnest. Before we talk about anything else, I must first thank you for your condolences upon the death of my brother contained within your letter of the sixteenth. His passing was tragic, unexpected and has thrown my life into such chaos but with the support of you and all my friends and family, I am sure I will come out the other side stronger for it. My brother’s widow has yet to give birth but is expected to do so any day now and when next I write I hope to have a healthy new niece or nephew and to see more clearly what fate has in store for me and the Barony of Membe.

With that in mind, I wish for you to take the following course of action, namely to sell of all my property excluding the Inn and the Small house in the capital giving Ronald Finch the right of first refusal on the vineyard. Try to get a fair price on them all but if you do not manage to do so by the end of the year then disregard this. Please deposit all the profits in the usual account minus your fees of course.

Also please sell my share in the Vinyal Merchant house, those two ships of your brother and if you haven’t yet succeeded in the matter I set you last year then cease your attempts to do so. If however, you have then please take the necessary steps to see to it that it reaches the right ears.

One last thing I have just inherited a one percent share in the Fulbright mercantile venture from my Great Aunt Milonia the dowager countess of Dotel. I have as of yet no word on what exactly this venture is all about or its current circumstances and thus would like for you to find out anything you can about it, as soon as possible.”

“Is that it sir shall I end it in the usual way or have you anything else you wish to add?”

“No, I think I have said all I need to but just to be sure could you please read it back to me from the beginning?”

“Right oh, sir.”

After hearing the letter read back to him by his secretary and finding nothing left unsaid or feeling the need to add to it Amondo ordered the letter sealed. He then dictated another letter to an old friend who he thought might also be able to provide him with information on the Fulbright merchant venture and had them both handed over to the courier. With that taken care of, he headed down to the castle’s great hall for dinner after which he had a quick walk around the grounds of the castle before retiring to his rooms. Once their he checked the book given to him from Robin Wodeh to see if he had written anything in it yet. This not being the case he had another read of the books about dungeons from the night before and with his newfound knowledge of them, he was at times amused by how they were perceived by the uninitiated.

He woke up the next morning and after breaking his fast he paid a quick visit to Nazma before saying his goodbyes to his sister, ward and the rest of their party as they began their trip to attend the funeral for his great aunt. Once they passed through the castle’s gatehouse, he went to the training yard and practised with his sword and shield plus other weapons for two hours straight. He then had his horse fitted out in its armour and had his squire help him into his own before taking it out for a short ride. After returning from it and removing his armour he practised shooting a war bow for half an hour and then had a bath.

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