News from the Funeral

I was between meetings when a page found me and informed me that my sister and ward had returned from the funeral and had requested to meet with me at my earliest convenience. I sent the page to inform the people I was about to meet with to carry on without me and then headed to the private baronial receiving room on the second floor of the castle. Lilou and Rachana were waiting there for me together with sir Elias Labil.

“Welcome back ladies, Elias how was the funeral, I’m sure it was a grand affair and I hope you didn’t encounter any troubles on the way?”

“Don’t worry brother Eugene’s men were expecting us and treated us with the utmost respect both on the way and on the way back. We had a slight problem with one of the Carriages wheels while we were travelling back through the lordship of Bongarron yesterday but Elias’s men were able to fix it and it only delayed us for about half an hour. The funeral itself was well attended and yes Eugene was in attendance though he didn’t speak to any of us other than to say hello.”

“I wasn’t expecting him to, did anyone else try and discuss the situation with any of you?”

“Uncle Levan had a private talk with Elias here but he can brief you about that later when I’m not here but other than that while it was mentioned on occasion it was only small talk and nothing concrete. The Baron of Henick did talk to me at some length but it was mainly concerning his relationship with my husband and news of his wife and court. Such a bore but he did let one thing slip, apparently Eugene approached him about allowing a large party of mercenaries to pass through his barony on the way to Dagleana in the spring.”

“That’s not a surprise other than us the barony of Dagleana shares a border with five neighbouring territories and any armed party whom he might hire has to pass through one of them. The imperial range and fiefs of Sperberie are out for obvious reasons, the two counts are more likely to support us or at least remain neutral so that leaves the barony of Henick and its baron Malek Farr. And he’s the kind that would allow it as long as some coin changes hands but I didn’t expect him to hedge his bet and inform us but I suppose it’s so obvious a route that he knows we already know and won’t lose anything by confirming it.”

“Exactly brother.”

“What did you think of the funeral Rachana, did you enjoy yourself?”

“I did other than the service itself of course and the burial but even that had some compensation. The Hecton tomb certainly is spectacular, in its way it even surpasses your dungeon in comparison don’t you think.”

“Ah yes I had forgotten about it, the Malla family tomb was originally a small cave that was extended by hand over a number of years. On the other hand, the Hecton’s discovered a massive cavern system which only needed pathways cut in it in places. Ours is starting to run out of space their probably never will, did you get a chance to have a proper tour of it after the funeral. There are places in the cavern system even more outstanding than the area they use for burials such as the crystal clear waters of the underground lake or the places were the stalactites and the stalagmites meet in mineral pillars beyond compare.”

“No I didn’t one was offered but it would have meant staying an extra day and Lilou who now that I think about it must have been on one before wouldn’t allow it.”

“Those caverns are far too dangerous the son of the man who showed me and Amondo around when we were seven died one day while exploring them and he wasn’t the first.”

“So did you meet any exciting people while you were their Rachana.”

“Some milord but none that stood out other than your uncle Levan and his daughter Olena.

“Poor Olena already widowed for the third time and still no children, not living ones anyway. How was poor Cousin Arne Lilou has he gotten any better, last I heard he was beginning to do so and there was even talk about another marriage.”

“They said he had a relapse when the subject was brought to his attention and that he nearly killed the messenger, it’s said he hasn’t spoken a single word since and hardy eats.”

“Damn well perhaps he will get better even now stranger things have happened after all.

“Amondo you have told me what happened to his wife and child but I can’t understand why it affected him so, from what you have said about his relationship with his wife and the rumours it shouldn’t have not to the extent it did?”

“I think that it is actually because of those factors, he blames himself for sending them to stay with her parents after a fight they had and despite the rumours, he wholeheartedly believed the child was his. Enough about him is uncle Levan in good health sister.”

“As far as I could tell he is as hardy as ever though Aunt Anya health has suffered of late nothing to serious mind you the situation with Arne isn’t helping. If you don’t mind brother I have had a tiring journey and I have told you everything of import to I will take my leave of you if you have any other questions you can ask me later.”

“If that is what you wish then go ahead sister I don’t mind.”

“Oh before I forget Levan handed me a small parcel of documents that he wished me to pass to you, Elias would you please retrieve them from the carriage for me, they concern Amondo’s inheritance from Aunt Milonia or so I was told.”

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