
After leaving Milel behind in the treasury to prepare for the audit the following day Amondo headed off to meet Poppo Bartoli who had served as his brother’s chamberlain to talk to him about his future. Before he could do so he was intercepted by a page who informed him a messenger had arrived from the Steward and the constable wished to speak to him about it. Thus he put off the visit to Poppo for now and headed to the constable office.

“What news from the Steward?”

“Milord he has finished his business in Wainthe and is now on his way home and should arrive sometime tomorrow.”

“Did he included any word of the escheator?”

“He did mention that the escheator was still as far as he knew on schedule and should currently be in the Hamlet of Alanky.”

“I pity old Olaf Leigh and I never thought I’d say that he still lives doesn’t he, can’t be any older than fifty if I remember correctly?”

“The Yeoman, yes he does and still as rambunctious as ever though he did lose his only son half a dozen years ago.”

“Never was a fan of Uleb he nearly broke my nose the last time I meet him but it was a fair fight. Stupid of me to ever have thought I could pummel that troll of a man, never meet anyone else quite like him thank the gods. How did he die can’t imagine it was in a fair fight, not him.”

“It was a sad tale milord he dropped dead suddenly one day just before he was due to get married.”

“What some woman was actually going to marry him, can’t imagine it was a love match.”

“It was, can’t remember her name, she was part of some small travelling show that paid a visit to the hamlet and stayed the winter.”

“Enough about that, what can you tell me about Tagas Onus my brother’s Steward all I know about him myself is that he is in his fifties and that he took over the role nine years ago when old man Loy retired.”

“Well from what I know he was the constable of Donverton castle for some years until the then baron died and his son Maki brought in his own man. Your brother hearing of the situation hired him as his steward and while they argued about various things over the years they seemed to work well together, at first. To be truthful if it wasn’t for him the barony would be in far worse a condition than it is now. For the most part, your brother left the day to day running of Membe itself to him and concentrated on his pleasure and to a certain extent the running of the rest of the baron. Well that was the case until the old Seneschal went mad and nearly killed one of the grooms”
“What happened then?”

“Well, Nazma talked your brother into hiring her cousin Gru to replace Jacob Heflin who had to be given into the care of the clerics of Dethil on their island. Gru and Tagas never got on with each other while he and Leonid was a different matter entirely. Over the years Leonid began listening more and more to Gru and they both started to pay more attention to the running of Membe not always for the worse to be fair but on the whole, it was a disaster. Things were starting to get better between the three of them I must admit and then Eugene inherited Dagleana and we’ll you know the rest.”

“So how have the two of them been getting along since his death?”

“Not too bad they both agreed to keep things running as best they could until your arrival and that of the child. The Escheator and everything else kept them busy and the argument I was expecting between the two over Gus part in the loss of Antwa and Ruehasen never materialised not as far as I know anyway.”

“So what kind of men are the Steward and the Seneschal?”

“Well I can’t say I ever took to either of them but I prefer the Steward ever so slightly mind you personally wise. Tagas can seem at times to be a bit of a know it all, always has to be right and you better not dare to correct him when he isn’t. He tends to overthink things and sees nearly everyone in the best light. Gru never met a woman he thought he couldn’t seduce, not that he ever really tried it on with anyone he shouldn’t. He is a mean drunk and a good singer even then but he doesn’t overdo the drink that often, unlike Leonid.”

“So what is to be done with them for the betterment of the barony?”

“With things between the two of them not seeming as bad as they were I don’t think you should keep both of them on and I must apologies if I seem too presumptuous for saying so.”

“Not at all I did, after all, ask for your opinion on the matter, I don’t trust anyone related to Nazma just on principle, they can’t all be bad put better safe than sorry. Best to keep Tagas on board I think, see if we can work together and if not, he can go too. Well, thanks for your frankness now what’s your opinion on the Chamberlain and Berthold Hicks?”

“Well Hicks is a close friend of mine so I’d rather not say but you have your own secretary so unless you want him in another position then Berthold will have to find other employment I don’t see Nazma needing or wanting his services, the chamberlain but not him. Poppo Bartoli is the most apologetic person I have ever met but don’t let that fool you he cheats at cards and is a terrible bore.”

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