The Contents

This time when the chest impacted the ground it did not remain intact, and it instead shattered into several pieces and its former contents were spilt out on the ground. I then approached the impact sight and gathering it all together I then went through it to see what spoils we had gained from it. In all, there were a hundred and eleven gold coins, fifty-seven silver, a pair of diamond wedding rings, ten small sapphires, two small opals, a string of pearls and the deeds to a small estate in a place I had never heard of before.

“Erdal have you any idea where Bharrini is located?”

“Sorry, milord I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the place.”

“Has anyone ever heard of the place, theirs a silver for whoever can answer it?”, I announced to whoever was listening.

“I have milord.”, replied Abdul Chivan, one of the mercenary Cavalrymen.

“Well, where is it man, speak up.”

“Sir it’s a small barony in the Kingdom of Marconi on the edge of the Eastern Forest.”

“The other side of the Empire, then, how did you ever come to hear of the place?”

“Well my father who was also a mercenary once campaigned there and had a memorable fling with a villager that he blurted out once when he was drunk, mother wasn’t too happy about it which is why I remember it so, she didn’t speak to him for close to a month afterwards.”

“Thanks for the info Abdul, here’s your reward.”, I said as I threw a silver coin at him.

“So Erdal how do you think the bandit came to process a deed to a place on the other side of the empire, do you think the bandit leader was from thereabouts or was it loot from some job he pulled?”

“Who knows, the only thing that matters is whether or not it’s real if so is it valid and how much can you get for it.”

“Let’s see, I’m no expert but it’s at least a good fake so it should prove worthwhile to have someone look into it, it’s dated six years ago and according to this the six hundred acre estate was signed over to one Sir Alfred Knapp and his heirs for a period of one hundred years. Well, the bandit leader was called Shaun Weiss not Alfred Knapp so unless he was using a false name so that if he was ever caught it wouldn’t sully his family, he must have stolen it at some point. We may at least receive a small reward for returning it to its rightful owners or more likely his heirs.”

“Perhaps milord, though I wouldn’t hold your breath, sire you’ve accomplished everything you can, why don’t you head back to Membe while I finish up here?

“Good idea, we’ll settle up with the men the day after your return.”

I took the deed and left everything else behind to be transported back to Membe with the troops in a day or two. I then said my goodbyes and journeyed back to Membe with my two bodyguards and squire.
We didn’t return until well after nightfall and it had begun raining about half an hour before the end of our journey, so we were drenched when we arrived back at the castle. Being tired from the journey and all the activity earlier in the day I made my excuses, ordered a hot bath to be prepared for me the following morning, then went straight to bed and before long I was fast asleep.

Upon waking the following morning I did my martial training and then had the hot bath I had ordered the day before. I soaked in it for a good half an hour. With that out of the way, it was time for me to attend a meeting with my constable, Seneschal and Steward to go through all the things I missed whilst dealing with the bandits.

“So Tagas any word from the escheator?”

“Yes milord, Ryton will be arriving the day after tomorrow to pass on the results of his escheat of the Barony of Membe.”

“That’s certainly good news, what was the damage?”

“Well, he agreed to give an accurate accounting of the barony for the measly sum of half again the relief we will have to pay the crown.”

“Could have been worse, when does he want paying?”

“We already paid half of it and he’ll get the rest before he leaves.”

“With that necessary unpleasantness out of the way when should we hold the investiture?”

“I know we should have waited for your go ahead but we all agreed that you would be ok with us arranging to hold it the day after Rytons arrival.”

“Try not to get in the habit of doing that but I’ll allow it this time, now about my walking of the boundaries of the barony, does anyone have any objections to me starting it two days after my investiture?”

“That’s that then,” I continued on a moment later after no one had spoken out.

“What way have you decided to do it, milord,” asked Dusti.

“Well, I know our current situation is different than the one he faced but I think I’ll emulate Alek the first Malla Baron of Membe and start at the intersection of Membe, Hasford and the Crown Lands and then traverse the barony in a clockwise direction. It’s not perhaps the most traditional method but it should signal to the inhabitants of the Barony that no matter what may have come before I am hopeful for the future. So Tagas how long will it take me to walk the boundaries as they currently stand?”

“Well since you only actually have to walk the Membe portion and can ride the Hasford and Wainthe ones it should only take ten days or less.”

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