The Rest of the Party

By the time the advanced party arrived in the castles, inner bailey Amondo was waiting for them along with his knights, the constable and a number of the castle’s servants.

The party arrived in the same order he had left them in the day before and at some point near the end of their journey, they seemed to have cleaned themselves up somewhat. Perhaps to provide a more favourable impression of themselves to their soon to be colleagues. After entering the bailey the soldiers in the party congregated to the side to allow the other more space than they would have had otherwise.

The coach pulled up near were Amondo and the others awaited them and from it emerged his ward, her aunt and her lady’s maid as well as Shau Rayun a cleric of the God Kuelit.

I know an odd choice as a personal Cleric and advisor but he hadn’t always been one he found his calling eight years ago rather late in life. Before this, he had been one of if not the finest archers Amondo had ever seen and he had seen a lot of them over the years. He was only a middling archer himself but every tourney he had ever competed in had an archery contest and he had always tried to catch at least the final of them if not otherwise engaged that is.

Nine years ago Shau had developed arthritis in his left arm and suddenly his career was over. He returned home to the village he was born in and there he found his calling. After training in a local temple he was presented with eight options and then as was customary for all the clerics of Kuelit he had to let fate have it’s say. This came in the form of an eight-headed dice and he had rolled a six and was set to be the personal cleric of a tourney champion. Amondo had won the Tourney that had been selected for Shau to find a sponsor via and he had been with him ever since and hopefully would remain so for some time to come.

After everyone had left the coachman drove the coach towards the remise next to the stables. Next to arrive were the remaining senior members of his retinue. Sir Erdal Spaci was his marshal who was in charge of all of the troops Amondo employed and would do the same for the Barony. He had been the second in command of the banner of tourney knights Amondo had formed to compete in tournaments melee and jousting events.

Marke Alfara was his chamberlain and treasurer, he was in charge of managing Amondos personal household and finances. He was the third son of a once prosperous merchant, five years ago Amondo had helped rescue Marke from a band of bandits who were holding him for ransom. His father had died while he was being held captive and the business he left behind could only really support his two elder brothers.

The individual who was Amondo’s Chamberlain as the time decided to retired after being hit by an arrow during the bandit attack that preceded the rescue, he was offered his position temporarily. He had proved himself in the position and sometime later when he caught the previous treasurer skimming money Marke had taken on his duties also.

Mavin Abela held several posts in Amondo retinue serving as his secretary, herald and scribe. He was a recent addition to the retinue replacing the previous holder of the position who had married a widow and settled down. Bagrat Dischal was his clerk, Kerry Nedal his valet and he had three pages called Alfons Sinow, Merner Raab and Dixo Mive. Alfons and Merner were the sons of Knights and Dixo the son of Haro Mive the captain of a merchant vessel that had once saved Amondo’s life during a pirate attack on his vessel.

Then came those craftsmen, servants and the like that he employed such as Absalom Swart his falconer, Lem Munro his huntsman and Deloer Dnich his minstrel. Sven Mott was a smith who was as comfortable making horseshoes as he was swords. Raymond Swivel was his armourer, Nestor Salonica his barber-surgeon and then there were the various household servants and those driving the three wagons that accompanied them on the journey.

There were two others knights in the party Sir Alain Bulla and Sir Derek Dulla plus Derek’s squire Jhulas Zinke and of the soldiers who accompanied the party three of them are worth mentioning here. Williem Kohult was the head of the nine other archers and an old protégé of Shau Rayun who had recommended him to Amondo. Maxlov Nogin was the sergeant at arms in charge of Amondo’s nine men at arms and Rantham Sikri the leader of Amondo’s nine-strong cavalry force.

After introducing everyone to the constable he had him arrange for them to be shown to their accommodations and after that, they had a short time to refresh from the journey before it was time for dinner. Amondo seat in the middle of the high table together with the constable, the two clerics, his five sisters and his remaining brother. Everyone else eats in their allotted tables in the great hall that was customary for their place in the castle’s hierarchy.

When the meal was over I arranged several meetings for the following day and then took my ward and her aunt to introduce them to Nazma.

“M’lady Nazma Malla may I present to you my ward lady Rachana Sabine and her aunt Chepi Deird.”

“Nazma I was sorry to hear about the death of your husband and wish you a safe and healthy birthing.”

Rachana responded to the introduction, Chepi, on the other hand, had this to say.

“Amondo be a dear and let Rachana and myself have a quiet word alone with Nazma if you don’t mind what we have to talk about it not for any man to know, be off with you now.”

Not having been left with any other choice he left the room and went about his business until it was time to retire for the night.

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