An old Knight

“Sir Glenn Labrador now theirs a name I haven’t heard in many a year I thought he was dead.”

“It was his brother Silas that died Amondo.”, the constable informed him.”

“Right so what I wonder brings him to Membe this day?

“It could be one of many different things, none that come readily to mind right now though. If you truly wish to know then meeting with him is the only way milord.”, answered his secretary.

“Well then meet him I shall, do you know who squires for him these days?”

“The last one I know of would have been knighted three years ago at the latest and I know not who replaced him.”, said the constable.”

“Well we mustn’t keep them waiting, page have the good knight shown to the training yard and tell him that I shall join him their soon. You two would you please come with me to the training yard where you can both find out what this is about at the same time I do, and I may need your council. But first I need to make a quick stop in my rooms to pick up an item that I forgot to bring with me earlier.”

Five minutes or so had passed by the time Amondo and his party made their way to the trading yard. When they arrived they found it empty but for a distinguished-looking old knight in his fifties and a much younger squire who appeared to be twelve or so.

“So what brings an old dog like you to Membe Castle Glenn, I hope you’re not here to make trouble or I’ll have to put you down.”

“You’d try you mean, I wouldn’t go down easy and I know a few tricks even you might find enlightening. Anyhow that’s not why I’m here not that I’d prove any less of a challenge than most if I were. No, I came for a visit for another reason altogether, I was planning to head to my old employer the duke for it but then I heard of your return and decided that you’d do instead.”

“You honour me I’m sure but what makes me a better choice for whatever your up to than the duke?”

“Well I think I know the man as well or even better than you and he tries his best however he’s a hopeless romantic at heart. Not by any measure soft you understand or even brittle or anything like that but rather too good a man to burden with things you don’t have to. That and he’d make too big a fuss of it than I’d be comfortable with plus I reckon what I’m about doesn’t need that much of an audience for it to be effective.”

“You always was one to beat about the bush and in the past, I could appreciate that but no more so please get to the point.”
“Well you mightn’t have heard but after a lifetime of bachelorhood I finally met someone a few years back and we got hitched and now a baby is on the way and she reckons I need to hang up my spurs. She’s a fine woman and will surely make a great mother and while I can’t claim I totally disagree with her on this point I am determined to go out on my own terms and with my pride intact. Then I recalled the rites of Kuetai that was first practised by the kings of Bantis before the founding of the empire are you at all familiar with it?”

“I believe so didn’t it start as a way for a new king of Bantis to prove they were worthy of the crown and by those who had reigned for twenty years or so to prove that they were still worthy of it. Then over time, it’s use spread to others in the kingdom such as those with lesser titles, military leaders and what have you. When the empire defeated Bantis and their king took the knee the practice was abolished. Of course every time one of their successors or whoever tries to rebel they tend to launch it with the rite of Kuetai not that it ever helped them as far as I can tell.

“Precisely now what you might not know is that I was knighted when only twelve for reasons that I won’t go into now. That can you believe was forty years ago and I feel that if I can complete the rites then I can retire with dignity. They will, of course, need to be modified, I’m only a knight after all and only three of the five tasks that make up the rites have any relevance. So what do you say are you willing to allow me to give it a try or shall I look elsewhere?”

“Give me a chance to research the rites a bit I believe we have at least one book in our library on the subject and have a think about the possible implications of it but I’ll have an answer for you before dinner. In the meantime, your welcome to enjoy the hospitality of my home and I hope even if I turn you down, you’ll at least stay the night. Now before I head to the library for my research would you please introduce me to your squire.”

“Thank you, milord, we will be staying the night if it’s not too much bother that is and as to my squire may I present to you Donell Vandross son of Werner Vandross lord of Khein in the county of Syras part of the dukedom of the River Lake.”

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