

“I suppose since you have arranged my investiture for three days from now the invitations have already been sent.” “No milord they await your signature, which we hope you’ll provide after this meeting, we have arranged to have our fastest horses carry all the invitations to their intended recipients just as soon as you do.”, Letters

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The Contents

This time when the chest impacted the ground it did not remain intact, and it instead shattered into several pieces and its former contents were spilt out on the ground. I then approached the impact sight and gathering it all together I then went through it to see what spoils we had gained from it. The Contents

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The Chest

I immediately realised that I might be looking at the back door to the bandit camp that we always suspected might exist, but closer inspection showed that while it may once have been another tunnel out of the camp it was currently not a useable one. From the looks of things, it had either collapsed The Chest

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The Bandit Camp

The fifteen-man team quickly made their way along the bank of the small meltwater supplied pond that normally helped hid the entrance to the tunnel which was until recently covered by thick vegetation. The bandits had made a poor job of hiding the entrance after having to cut the vegetation back to gain access to The Bandit Camp

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The battle with the bandits wasn’t a totally one-sided affair, while no one on our side died five individuals did receive minor wounds and another received a wound that though not life-threatening would incapacitate him for a while. While we were seeing too the wounded on both sides and the dead bandit’s bodies, I received Tunnel

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I had just about finished my dinner when I was near-simultaneously informed both that the bandits were showing signs that they were about to head out and that our reinforcements had arrived. The addition of eight archers and the same number of men at arms to the force that was about to ambush the bandits Archery

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Poisoned Arrows

It took longer for the two bandit hunters to return than expected and it was Anwar Khey who returned to our camp to report on what had happened during their hunt. “Well they seemed competent enough hunters but they’re new to the area and they had a spot of bad luck, but they eventually managed Poisoned Arrows

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So milord when will you be walking the boundaries?” “Well as you may or may not know the day after my investiture is the most appropriate though anytime less than five days after it is acceptable these days and the current plan is to do it the day after but that isn’t yet set in Outleck

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Messengers to Kincarn

When my breakfast was eaten, I went with my two bodyguards to just outside the temporary camp and started my usual training regime. My two bodyguards, one of which had been chosen by me and the other by Erdal were Sir Stilbor Destry my former squire, and the much older Sir Justine Nedina who had Messengers to Kincarn

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Bandits Scouted

Upon hearing the news, I ordered everyone to rest their horses for five minutes and then we headed back to camp as swiftly as we could. When we arrived, I had enough food supplies to last our full force for two days gathered and picked up the field campaign tents that I had ordered brought Bandits Scouted

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