
The Constable Plot

“Before you ask Amondo I cannot accept the position of Constable of Membe Castle, there are many individual more suitable for the role, Marke Alfara for example.” “Come now Elias I for one know that this isn’t the first time you have been offered such a role, nor the second. Something is holding you back The Constable Plot

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Bribery Plans

“One last thing before you go to your room, how are things going with the escheator?” “Well Ruston Calving should be finished his survey of the Barony in five days and then, of course, the procrastination will begin.” “I prefer to think of it as a delaying tactic, how long do you think he will Bribery Plans

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The Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival was a great success The Festivities began at ten with a mass of thanksgiving in the village temple with all three of the clerics residing in the village and castle officiating, led by Mario Plumon the cleric of Synno Goddess of Agriculture of course. The villager had decorated the main area of The Harvest Festival

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Athans Hold

“Milord, is there a problem with the inheritance from your aunt, is it perhaps not worth as much as you hoped for?” “That’s not the problem Elias it is considerably more than expected however there are conditions attached to it that I fear may be too hard to satisfy.” “What kind of conditions are you Athans Hold

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A little Extra Something

A few minutes after Lilou left Elias who had went back to the carriage to fetch the parcel concerning his inheritance from his great aunt Milonia returned. Amondo had spent the intervening time talking to his ward Rachana about the funeral and planning for a return visit to Mutnep. “It would be best perhaps if A little Extra Something

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News from the Funeral

I was between meetings when a page found me and informed me that my sister and ward had returned from the funeral and had requested to meet with me at my earliest convenience. I sent the page to inform the people I was about to meet with to carry on without me and then headed News from the Funeral

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Changing of the Guard

I looked in the mirror book before going to bed that night and found that he had left a message congratulating me on the birth of my niece and nothing else. He was either stringing me along, hadn’t made his mind up or was playing hard to get, no matter which I wasn’t all that Changing of the Guard

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The Brat

“So what’s Shalhou’s angle as far as I know he hasn’t got anything against Eugene and we never were all that friendly as squires?” “Let’s just say that he happened upon this information while looking into another matter and that five years ago there was a minor incident involving Eugene and a member of his The Brat

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Friendly Intel

When I finished talking to the informer I had placed in my brother’s court I head off to find my friend Wyatt Garisson and the constable whom I had ordered to take him on a tour of the castle. I caught up to them in the castles botanical garden where plants known for their medical Friendly Intel

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Tagas Onus

I was in a meeting with sir Erdal Spaci and sir Justin Nedina planning for Erdal’s assumption of the Barony’s Marshal position and the integration of my forces into that if the Barony’s when a page arrived with the news that the Steward Tagas Onus had arrived back from Wainthe. “Boy did he arrive alone Tagas Onus

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