
An old Knight

“Sir Glenn Labrador now theirs a name I haven’t heard in many a year I thought he was dead.” “It was his brother Silas that died Amondo.”, the constable informed him.” “Right so what I wonder brings him to Membe this day? “It could be one of many different things, none that come readily to An old Knight

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Timor Alby

When he had finished getting dressed after his bath, he found a page waiting for him with a message from the constable asking to speak with him. When he arrived at the constable office the constable was there waiting for him with his secretary and a gangly youth in his mid-teens whom he did not Timor Alby

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The Courier from the Lawyer

“Before I forget a mounted courier with a missive from your lawyer arrived while you were visiting the dungeon with Rachana.” “ I wasn’t expecting to hear back from Alde Blund for another few days so I hope it’s not bad news or anything. Hand it over and while I give it a read grab The Courier from the Lawyer

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“Now what to do about Elean you said she’ll wake up after an hour what shall we tell her happened when she does so?” “Well I know I said it would render her unconscious for an hour but I have an antidote for that, once applied it will wake her up a minute or so Correspondence

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“Let me get this straight, dungeons are not what I and everyone else thinks or is it thought they are. What they are is zoological gardens created to help preserve animals and beast or monster as we call them that were dying out or had died out in our original home planet. They allowed those Questions

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Return to the Dungeon

In the end, it took slightly over thirty minutes for Rachana and her maid to get ready to head to the dungeon. Once they appeared in front of the stable were a horse and pony were waiting for them together with Amondo and his squire they quickly mounted the animals and in no time the Return to the Dungeon

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After speaking to his sister Lilou for a further few minutes Amondo bid her farewell and she headed off to start getting ready for the trip to the funeral that would begin the following morning. Waiting outside the door when she left was a page who then went off to inform Amondo’s ward Rachana that Rachana

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When Amondo reached the Map room his twin sister Lilou had yet to arrive. His relationship with his sister since he started participating in tournaments had been practically non-existent, over the years he had written to her on several occasions, mainly when he had heard something about her from someone else such as the birth Twins

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Great Aunt Milonia, part two

“You’ll get the hang of it soon enough, now what do you think about the constable.” “Seems like a solid dependable chap, seems to know what he’s about.”, replied Elias. “If the Steward and the Seneschal are even half as competent as he is we might stand a chance.”, stated Mavin. “It’s too early to Great Aunt Milonia, part two

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Great Aunt Milonia

“Ah, so my great aunt Milonia, the dowager countess of Dotel has finally kicked the bucket. She must have been close to eighty towards the end. But I thought Dotel was in the kingdom of Kushum, how did they learn of her passing so quickly?” “Don’t you remember Amondo you received a letter from her Great Aunt Milonia

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