
Legal Matters

At two hours after eleven when he had finished his arms practice for the day he again went in search of the constable to talk to raise a few matters with. He first tried him at his office but when he wasn’t there he asked one of the castle’s servants who informed him that he Legal Matters

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Family Gathering

Amondo Malla was lucky in most things but alas when it came to sisters his was nearly non-existent the only exception being when it came to his twin sister Lilou, especially when he was as far away from her as possible. She was born a few minutes before him in the summer of 944IC and Family Gathering

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The Manor House

After his conversation with the Constable, he headed off to his meeting with his brother’s widow. Unlike his last visit, it was not held in her sitting room but rather her bedroom and for the obvious reason, she wasn’t alone. She laid propped up on her bed with a maid and an older woman who The Manor House

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The Will

Once he had returned to the castle from the Family Tomb, dropping off his horse at the stable, he met with the Constable who was carrying two official-looking rolls of parchment in his hands. This he took to be his brother’s will and wedding contract or something like that. “As requested your late brother’s last The Will

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Malla Family Tomb

After waking up the morning after his return home Amondo Malla was refreshed and ready to face whatever the day might throw at him. He had left his valet behind with the main party so he had to dress himself and once he had done so he left his bedroom. His squire was waiting for Malla Family Tomb

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The Sister-in-Law

Dusti Levun welcomed Amondo home and was introduced to the rest of his party. “I have sent word to Baroness Nazma that you have arrived, I’m afraid she may not be feeling well enough to receive visitors, the pregnancy weights heavy on her. Until I hear back on this matter how may I be of The Sister-in-Law

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Raise the Portcullis

Although the sun was still in the sky it was a few minutes from beginning to set when the advanced party arrive at the villages southern gate. The wooded wall around the village on first glance seemed to be in reasonably good condition but Amondo felt that it could bear closer inspection and decided to Raise the Portcullis

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A Momentary Pause

After riding hard for several hours the village of Membe and its castle was now in view of the three knights and their squires. It had been over eleven years since Amondo Malla had last viewed it and the rest had never done so. The village itself was split into two by the medium-sized stream A Momentary Pause

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The Toll

On a reasonably sunny day in the middle of authentic on a planet called Cundus in a galaxy you no doubt have never heard of a largish party of people having just broken camp an hour and a half ago are travelling along what is little more than a dirt track. They are moments away The Toll

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A Death in the Family

It was on a sunny enough day for that time of year that I, Amondo Malla once again set my eyes upon my families domain, or rather what was left of it. We had just broken camp a few minutes earlier that morning and I wished to make Membe and it’s castle before nightfall. With A Death in the Family

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