Challenging Thoughts

It was well after one before we finished our planning for our search of the border area. We already had a small party of light cavalry and the occasional forester patrolling the area in question from a base not all that far from the toll booth that he had entered Membe via a few weeks ago. As soon as it could be arranged a wagon or two would be sent to that camp loaded with all the equipment and supplied needed to temporarily enlarge it.

Then early tomorrow Erdal and I together with my two new bodyguards, my remain light calvary, half a dozen others, and a few servants would be joining them. We could have of course planned to join with them from the start but there were still a few things I needed to do before I could go, and I felt it better for the rest of us to take the journey together.

I left Erdal and the rest to get on with turning the plan into reality while I headed to have a word with Tagas concerning what I wanted him to do while I was away. Once that was over, I went to the training yard to take care of the training I had missed earlier.

When I finished training, I had a meeting with the Cleric of Yechtai, Vasyl Haroz that I had been forced to postpone earlier.

Vasyl Harez had been appointed by my father as one of his first acts as Baron of Membe when his Predecessor had decided to retire after the death of my Grandfather to allow for new blood to take over.

“My son I think I know why you have come to see me today and if it is truly what you want then I will of course retire.”

“Father you mistake my intentions in calling for this meeting unless you feel unable to continue your current duties I intend to retain your services for at least another few years. After all, the two of us can work well together without us having to see eye to eye on all matters. Your years of experience with both the law and the Barony are irreplaceable unless it is absolutely necessary to do so. As far as I am concerned we haven’t begun to reach that point, so what say you are you willing to continue to carry out your duties on my behalf as you have done on both my fathers and brothers?”

“I am.”

“Well that’s that settled, be sure to arrange an appointment with me via my secretary to have a long talk on the subject of the law before my investiture, whenever that might be.

“I will be sure and do that until then goodbye my son.”

After that, I paid a visit to Rachana.

“So I hear that you’re heading off tomorrow for a few days on some kind of half-arsed treasure hunt.”

“It’s a little bit more than that but yes and when I get back you can join me on a visit to the dungeon.”

“That’ll be fine guardian and I hope you find whatever you’re looking for.”

“Thanks for the sentiment, I think but while I’m away theirs something I want you to do for me?”

“Ah, what!”

“I want you to quietly sound out your Aunt Chepi about what her reaction to the truth about Mutnep might be. And before you ask I have no idea how you might actually go about that but I am sure you can think of something if you put your mind to it.”

“Interesting idea I can’t think of anyone more likely than her to take it in her stride but she is getting on in years.”

“She’s still in good health you know Rachana and she’s not that old.”

“I suppose but I’ll take it slowly anyway, do you want me to wait until your back so you can tell her about it or can I do it myself if I end up thinking she’d be up for it?”

“Best to wait until I’m back since I’m sure she’d more readily believe you with someone else backing you up and not have her simply think you’ve made it all up. However, when the time comes I’ll let you do the initial reveal if you want.”

“Thanks were you think of telling anyone else?”

“Not yet.”

“Why not.”

“How am I supposed to know how people will react to the revelation, heck I keep asking myself how I might have reacted to it if someone else other than Mutnep had been the one to tell me. And I keep coming up blank so how am I supposed to gauge the reactions of others.”

“Amondo I know this is new territory for you but as my father used to say before you managed to kill him ‘I’ve been in a lot of fights in my life and none of them has turned out exactly as a expect them to but that has never stopped me from fighting them’.”

“I don’t think you’ve told me that one before.”

“It’s not one of the ones he used all that often but the only other one I can think of that even begins to suit this situation is ‘an ass is still an ass no matter how much you ride them’ and that sounded too silly for you to take seriously.”

“Thank you silly billy you’ve raised my spirit but I still, think I’ll wait until I see how Chepi reacts before taking things further.”

“You’re the Baron or will be anyway, now I don’t for a second believe your after treasure no matter what you might say so be sure to keep safe. Who knows what might happen to me if I find myself in need of a new guardian, probably end up marrying some old codger that will end up outliving me.”

“That will never happen I have arranged a successor for me if anything was to happen.”

“Anyone, I know?”

“No, but I’m sure even though he is a bit older than me if the eventuality ever arises you’ll not be disappointed.”

“If I’m not then I’ll know who to blame.”

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