
So milord when will you be walking the boundaries?”

“Well as you may or may not know the day after my investiture is the most appropriate though anytime less than five days after it is acceptable these days and the current plan is to do it the day after but that isn’t yet set in stone.”

“That being the case where do you intend to head to first and from there will you be going right around the barony or left? After all, how you chose to do it indicates to your subjects what kind of baron you hope to be, not that it always turns out that way of course. I hear that this particular tradition isn’t carried out everywhere these days but even your brother didn’t abandon it though it is common knowledge that he at least thought about doing so.”

“Don’t worry I intend to keep up that tradition, other families elsewhere have their reasons for abandoning it and some of them might actually be right to do so but I see no reason to do so. As to what I will be doing well just know it will be left around the barony not right and for the other just you wait and see.”

“With that being the case there is one last point I wish to raise with you, rumors are circulating that you indent to levy a special war tax and generally raise taxes is there any truth to it?”

“I assure you that at the moment I have no intention of doing so nor do I think any real possibility of that occurring exists, barring any increase in general taxation of course, which I have no control over but as far as I am aware no such increases are currently on the horizon.”

“Good to hear milord, would you like another glass of the brandy?”

“No Darian it’s a fine tipple but to tell you the truth I’ve never been that much of a fan of brandy so one is more than enough for me, especially at this time of the day.”

“You’ll be leaving then?”

“I will, is there anything else you wish to know before I go?”

“Well there is one thing and I hope you don’t mind me asking but the question of an heir of your body and a wife to produce one has come up a time or two?”

“Well I am not currently married or have I ever been and I have to the best of my knowledge no bastards. Unfortunately, until this matter with Dagleana is sorted out once and for all the chances of a marriage alliance are slim.”

“I understand, well Dako as heir will do for now.”

“Goodbye then, until the investiture whenever that may be.”

The visit to Outleck and its yeoman went better than expected, he seemed to have mellowed since I saw him last, or perhaps it is me, more likely the both of us. Well after that pleasant enough visit that achieved all it was intended to; we rode back to the camp to see if anything new had occurred while we were away.
“So Erdal anything occurs while I’ve been away?”

“Nothing much, one of the bandits did exit the tunnel for a while but after a cursory inspection of the area outside it he quickly returned.”

“What if anything can you tell me about the individual in question?”

“Your usual bandit in his twenties carrying a sword, no real armor and with a small hunting bow strung around his back. Probably one of the newer members of the band, he didn’t seem all the comfortable in the forest or know what he’s about.”

“Nothing unexpected then, no luck finding horses nearby?”

“Not a sign.”

“How’s the men’s spirit are they looking forward to it or dreading it?”

“Their fine for now but if it carries on for too long who knows.”

“Can’t be helped, it’s a waiting game now hopefully, tonight’s scouting will prove fruitful and we can make a move on them tomorrow.”


“How’s the supply situation?”

“We have enough food to last us for two days and theirs a spring nearby and Perrin assures me that we have more than enough arrows. We can expect resupply tomorrow and I’ve sent word of our new location so they know where to send it.”

“You’re doing everything you can Marshal, carry on I think I’ll take a kip, perhaps you should as well, we’re likely to be up all night, they’ll be sure to wake us if anything comes up.”

“You go ahead I think I’ll wait for another while.”

“Fine with me.”

I had a nice nap and as expected we were up for quite some time that night though I did get some sleep around five.

“All right Michel did your second reconnaissance of the other side of the tunnel tonight turn up anything new?”

“Not really sir, still no sign of any other way in or out but I couldn’t get as close a look as I would have liked, they seemed slightly more alert than they did yesterday.”

“Why do you think that is?”

“That could mean all sorts of things, perhaps their expecting someone, they intend to head out today or for all, I know their supply of alcohol is just running low.”

“Any idea about their food situation?”

“Just before dawn two of them went out hunting and they haven’t returned yet, I expect them and the two we have following them to return in an hour or two depending on how lucky they are. Game should be plentiful enough around here so they shouldn’t have to range very far. The rest were in the middle of breakfast when I left them, they seemed to be eating well enough from what I could tell, nothing special but plenty of it.”

“No risk of the hunters noticing our presence while they’re out?”

“It’s possible but unlikely, other than the scouts everyone should be far away enough to remain unnoticed.”

“Alright return to your post, have one of the men following the hunters report back here when they get back and report immediately if they show any signs of moving out. Just in case they have another way in and out it would be best to catch them in the open away from the camp.”

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