The Brat

“So what’s Shalhou’s angle as far as I know he hasn’t got anything against Eugene and we never were all that friendly as squires?”

“Let’s just say that he happened upon this information while looking into another matter and that five years ago there was a minor incident involving Eugene and a member of his family that he needed to get out of his system.”

“So Remy Radin is ready to pay back your family for what your great grandfather did to his?”

“That was Goran’s thinking when he launched his investigation but it turns out Remy was up to something else entirely.”

“I think I can guess what that something else might be, either he thought someone else might be hiring mercenaries to use against him or he was looking to find a place in a mercenary company for one or both of his son’s bastards, they must be sixteen or seventeen by now.”

“I was never told what he was actually up to but I imagine either of your guesses might be right.”

“Alright, Wyatt be sure to thank your employer for this information and is there anything I could do for him in return.”

“Well, now that you mention it there was something.”

“Go ahead and if it’s within my power to do so then it will be done.”

“My master wondered if you intended to continue to employ either Tagas Onus or Gru Meten?”

“I am planning to keep Tagas but as for Gru no he is on his way out if you don’t mind me asking what position is Goran looking to fill.”

“Amondo one of his uncle died recently and has left him a plantation on one of the Outer Isles and he is looking for someone to go out there and take control of it for him.”

“I thought both of his uncles died years ago.”

“Well, it turns out that his grandfather disinherited his second eldest son Merry Shalhou over some scandal or other and he ended up in the Outer Isles where he made a name for himself.”

“When I get rid of him I’ll be sure to mention the employment opportunity to him. While I do not trust him or any other member of his family, I must admit he hasn’t done anything to warrant that distrust. “
Show my purse I don’t currently am I must bed when I put it on plus the one hour that I must many as done will Donald worried that the distrust.”

“You do that now I’m afraid I really must be getting back to Brugan, until the next time old friend. Before I go my master bid me to mention his sister Alanna to you and to inform you that she as of yet remains unmarried.”

“The brat must be twenty by now how has she managed that?”

“She’s not a brat anymore, she’s turned into quite a beauty actually and has all the womanly virtues you could ask for. Alas, she was betrothed to the eldest son of Baron Omid Abed of Dorre, but he died before the wedding was even on the horizon. His younger brother was next, but he too died on her early this year just before the wedding. Omid has no son left and an alternative hasn’t been found yet.”

“Please have Goran look elsewhere for a groom, I do not care what she has become I remember the brat that she was and while I have forgiven her long ago she is not for me.”

“Do not worry he has already set his mind on another and the thing is nearly done he merely wondered in passing if you still remembered.”

“How could I or any other man forget the things she did back then.”
After Wyatt left I had some time to spare before the signing of the will so I headed to the castle’s chapel to pray to the gods for a while and then went to the stables to check on my horse.

It was soon time to head to the map room for the signing of my will. When I got to the map room with a single armed guard outside the constable, the steward and nearly every adult member of my family staying at the castle were waiting for me. A full minute after I entered the room Bagrat Dischal followed me in carrying the scroll upon which the will was written which he then unrolled and placed upon the map table next to an inkwell.

He was in turn followed shortly their after by the three individuals who were to act as witnesses, the two clerics Mario Plumon and Vasyl Harez plus my brother in law Stoyan Talesh. Before I signed the will, the witnesses were given time to look through it to get an idea of what they were signing their names too. They were allowed to make a single small mark anywhere on the scroll with the quill provided it didn’t interfere with what was written as a kind of extra security measure.

It was some time before they were finished and I was able to sign my name to the document. Once that was done Mario was next followed by Vasyl and finally Stoyan.

“That’s it, ladies and gentlemen, it is now official and for the next hour anyone one of you who wants can have a look at it. When you finish please join me in the great hall for dinner. Guard when their done please escort Bagrat and the scroll to where we guard such things.

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